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Natalia Lialina

writer • author • storyteller • linguist

Bilingual Books
for Curious Children
In Russian and English
Superseal is a bilingual book (Russian/English). It tells the adventure of a little seal named Peter who goes on a journey of self-discovery, meeting people and learning about different kinds of boats and ships on the way.
"My daughter loved this book. it is great for all ages, and I really appreciate the story and message of being yourself."
Read a detailed book review HERE.

In Russian and English
Anya and Her Wings: Color and Create! is not just another coloring book. Readers will become co-creators with the authors by coloring the twenty wonderfully drawn images within. We also offer you the creative opportunity to draw and color your own illustrations by responding to imaginative prompts.
"The idea behind this colouring book is to enable its reader to find his/hers own answers to questions and activities presented in this book, so that makes it perfect for developing of imagination. Moreover, the book can be used as an additional tool for language learning."
Read a detailed book review HERE.

In English
Meet Anya, the brave and curious little girl who goes on adventures through the fairy woods in search of her wings, with the help of a magic mirror and friends like Old Stumpy, the Chickenleg Hut, a cat named Vassily Vassilich and more.
"An enchanting story young children will adore. A FINALIST and highly recommended." -The Wishing Shelf Book Awards
Read a detailed book review HERE.
Must have! A wonderfully written children's book with exquisite illustrations that will capture your young reader's attention."
"It is a book of personal transformation, kindness and love. I highly recommend it to children of ALL ages."
Read a detailed book review HERE.

На русском языке
Разрешите представить: Аня, храбрая маленькая девочка, которая отправляется в волшебный лес на поиски своих крылышек. А помогут ей верные друзья: Пенёк-Старичок, Избушка, кот Василь Василич и другие!
"Сказка купается в любви - очень добрая и такая русская!"
"Восхитительная книга! Написана захватывающе, сочно и по-доброму! Иллюстрации поражают красками, таинственной атмосферой. Удивительны образы и Избушки, родной, уютной,
и открытой миру, настойчивой Анечки."
"Мои дети внимали каждому слову! Это просто необходимо читать
с детьми!"
Больше читательских отзывов ЗДЕСЬ.

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